Check out our Memphis Music t-shirt, featuring artwork by Stacey Williams-Ng, a Memphis-based artist and creator of the Rhythm & Soul Tarot from La Panthère Studio. Pair it with our forthcoming Memphis Music Issue and limited-edition vinyl for a full reading of the city's endless and ongoing influence on American sound!

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All photos © Micah Fields

Walking Houston

Artist: Micah Fields

Project: Houston, Saturated

Description: With a backpack full of disposable cameras, Micah Fields walked over a hundred miles of Houston—his hometown, a city notorious for its “unwalkability”—to capture its vibrant communities and surprising geographical “idiosyncrasies.” The images that make up Houston, Saturated, like Houston itself, are “a bit finicky and unpredictable,” Fields says, “blurred on the edges, varyingly focused, and, above all, saturated with the city’s remarkable multiplicity.” 

Eyes on the South is curated by Jeff Rich. The weekly series features selections of current work from Southern artists, or artists whose photography concerns the South. To submit your work to the series, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Micah Fields

Micah Fields is from Houston, and received the Oxford American’s 2018-19 Jeff Baskin Writers Fellowship. He lives in Helena, Montana, and his book about Houston’s story of development and storms is forthcoming from W. W. Norton.