In celebration of the bright and beautiful cover of our Spring Food Issue, our persimmon ‘Not A Tomato’ cap and green bean mug pair perfectly with an issue that explores what may look—and taste—simple but never is.

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All photos © Liz Moskowitz

Horseshoes and Healing

Artist: Liz Moskowitz

Project: Love Is an Action Word

Description: In her ongoing project Love Is an Action Word, Liz Moskowitz documents “the transformative experience of equine therapy” among veterans and their families at the Broken Wheel Ranch Project in northeast Texas. The program reinforces ideas of self-worth by cultivating a community and teaching participants how to care for and ride horses, from the technical skills of grooming and tack maintenance to the importance of building trust between a horse and rider. Moskowitz captures quiet moments between riders and their animals as well as scenes around the ranch in this series, exploring in rich portraits the intimate and vulnerable nature of this work.


Eyes on the South&\#xA0;is curated by&\#xA0;Jeff Rich. The weekly series features selections of current work from Southern artists, or artists whose photography concerns the South. To submit your work to the series, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Liz Moskowitz

Liz Moskowitz is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Austin, Texas. To view more of her personal and client work, visit, or follow her on Instagram @lizmoskowitz.