Seek & Destroy
By Alex Lemon
I need is on your mark,
Get set, go. It’s been years
Since I’ve seen the light
Of day. Move over cruise
Control, ungut yourself
Quiet desperation. If you
Have a question about
My resignation, please
Submit it to the toilet that
Sits on the scabby front
Lawn. You say stay classy.
I say blessed oracle, tell
Me what goodness will
Next arrive? The permit
I have to King Kong up
On any roof in town
Reads Extremely Dangerous,
Lifetime Guarantee. Sizzle,
Sizzle, my palms sing
When I spit in them.
My long-term investment
Plan is diversified: ching,
Ching with pixie dust
Sprinkled on top & long
Baths in a wickedness
That a couple of times
A month I might shower
Off. There will be a ton
Of spectacular, a whole
Lot of putting assholes
In sleeper holds. This
Is the way it is going to
Go. Tapping strangers’
Shoulders & shouting
When they turn around.
Wide-open arms. Back-
Slapping hugs. Some-
Where down the road
I will apply just enough
Pressure to just slow
The bleeding & then,
Before its eyes forever
Close, that thing you believe
In will have to say I won.
Alex Lemon reads “Seek & Destroy”
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