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Chattahoochee Valley

Thelma's, 2013

Artist: Adam Forrester

Project: In the Valley

Description: In Adam Forrester's photo series, In the Valley, he explores the natures of memory and place. Of these photos, Forrester writes,

"[These] images are made within close proximity to the Chattahoochee Valley, which composes a portion of the border between Alabama and Georgia.  Many of the images are prompted by specific memories I have from growing up in and around the Chattahoochee River. This series, titled In the Valley, brings together my own personal history, the chronicles of this region, and the rapidly evolving landscape that may one day conceal its own past. These photographs also utilize titles that reference previous occurrences. Occasionally the events alluded to in the works are part of the greater narrative of the area. For instance, the night Albert Patterson was found shot in a Phenix City, Alabama, alley, he was facing a particular brick wall. Painted over, that same wall now exhibits a more tranquil scene. More often, the events allude to a specific reminiscence from my childhood. A car-sized drainage ditch runs parallel to Cherokee Avenue in Columbus, Georgia, and I remember more than once, an automobile would carry its driver tumbling down into the concrete pit. The images that have emerged by photographing this valley depict a constantly shifting environment that is imbued with tragic histories and beguiling myths."

Thelma's, 2013

14th Street Grill, 2014

Camera One, 2013

The Direction Albert Patterson Was Facing, 2013

State Docks Road, 2013

Fort Deposit, 2013

Brickyard Road, 2013

Cochgalechee Creek, 2013

Wholesale Flowers, 2013

Mount Hermon, 2013

13th Street, 2013

Adam Forrester

Adam Forrester is an artist and filmmaker currently based in Louisiana, where he is an Assistant Professor of Art at Louisiana Tech University. He received his Master of Fine Arts from the Lamar Dodd School of Art at the University of Georgia, and was awarded the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts Research and Performance Grant for his documentary featurette, Eat White Dirt. His work has been screened and exhibited nationally and internationally, and has been featured by NPR, The Bitter Southerner, and VICE Magazine. Adam makes work about bizarre myths, abiding folktales, and mumbled truths.