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Remain in the Delta

All photographs by Grant Ellis

Artist: Grant Ellis

Project: Bless Your Heart

Description: Inspired by artists such as W. Eugene Smith, Terrence Malick, William Eggleston, and Willem de Kooning, the photographs in Grant Ellis’s book Bless Your Heart were taken during the summer of 2014, when Ellis returned to the Mississippi Delta where he grew up. He writes, “I would drive for hours in the intense heat, walk around the many towns and countryside, shooting anything that reminded me of what made the Delta amazing. The only rule I made for myself during the creation of this work was to remain in the Delta.”

Grant Ellis

Grant Ellis was born on the banks of the Mississippi River in a small Delta town. He received his BFA from Memphis College of Art. Since 2005, he has lived in San Francisco, Seattle, New York, and in Washington, D.C., where he is currently Lead Photographer at The World Bank. View more of his work on his website.