This Spring, the OA will focus on food.

Through fresh reporting, in-depth profiles, and daring personal essays, this issue will explore what we eat: people, industries, and tastes that both build and challenge our ideas of Southern food.

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All photos © Richard Max Gavrich

In the Distance

Artist: Richard Max Gavrich

Project: Across the Brown River

Description: In Across the Brown River, Richard Max Gavrich explores the “ordinary and extra-ordinary” in towns along the Mississippi River. He pursues the “memories of past fictions” carried by the river that create a distinct sense of place.

“Across the river there was a low red and gold grove of sassafras with hills of dark blue trees behind it and an occasional pine jutting over the skyline. Behind, in the distance, the city rose like a cluster of warts on the side of the mountain. The birds revolved downward and dropped lightly in the top of the highest pine and sat hunch-shouldered as if they were supporting the sky.”

—Flannery O'Connor, “The River”

Eyes on the South is curated by Jeff Rich. The weekly series features selections of current work from Southern artists, or artists whose photography concerns the South. To submit your work to the series, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Richard Max Gavrich

Richard Max Gavrich is a photographer, writer, and educator. He has exhibited at the Museo San Rocco (Fusignano, Italy), the Ogden Museum of Southern Art (New Orleans), and Bard College, among others. Gavrich is a 2017 Artist-in-Residence at Crosstown Arts in Memphis.

More of his work can be found at or on Instagram @rmaxgav.