All photos © Scott McIntyre
Guiding Light
By Scott McIntyre
Artist: Scott McIntyre
Project: Cassadaga
Description: Scott McIntyre’s project, Cassadaga, started in 2018 out of the same curiosity that brings visitors from all over the world to the small village in rural Volusia County, Florida. Home to the oldest Spiritualist community in the South, Cassadaga is one of the few places in the United States where mediums and healers practice year-round. Close to fifty mediums occupy the town, helping clients communicate with the dead, performing energy work, or providing spiritual healing. McIntyre creates a portrait of Cassadaga that examines the spirit of the community, taking note of what might entice visitors to the mystical village.
Eyes on the South&\#xA0;is curated by&\#xA0;Jeff Rich. The weekly series features selections of current work from Southern artists, or artists whose photography concerns the South. To submit your work to the series, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..