© Irene Imfeld, from the series Phantasm: Autumn in the Kentucky Woods
By Wendell Berry
One white anemone,
the year’s first flower,
saves the world.
Across the distance he saw
his granddaughter arriving
at a meeting he was leaving.
They called to each other
in greeting and farewell.
“I love you, Granddaddy.”
“I love you too, honey,”
he called back, and it was
his father’s voice he heard
uttered as his own, as from
the distance behind him.
And so he remembered
again the ancient lineage
of his love, given to him
and again given, living
backward, time beyond
time, to the Love that called
to Itself the heaven and the earth.
How I wish I could have been
already a young man
already waiting for you
the day you were born, and then
I could have been already
almost your husband, loving you
from your first birthday, as
in fact I do, beautiful as I knew you
always, and I waiting
while you grew to womanhood
to recognize me then
as your husband first and last,
and our life together could begin.
When I speak to you of love
I do not speak as I am
but as I am in love with you
which is better than I am, better
than I can hope to be.
For his while remaining, he
would like to liken himself
to the shadowy flycatcher,
the watcher, on his dead branch
at the clearing’s edge, standing
ready to fly, his eye ever alert
to the now that has ever been.
The watcher has come, as quiet
as a shade, into the shadow
of the ever-stirring woods.
The small bird he loves
who likes his porch, his narrow
clearing, comes near him
and is not afraid, at ease
in the overlap between
her mindfulness and his.
For a time the pair of them
equally find nothing to say,
their quiet a kindly speech
mutually understood.
What might not a poet write
if the beautiful orange fritillary
Aphrodite should light
more than a moment on his hand.
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Special thanks to Silas House for reading Wendell Berry’s poems. House is the nationally best-selling author of five novels. He is a frequent contributor to the New York Times and he currently serves as the NEH Chair at Berea College and on the fiction faculty at Spalding University’s MFA in Writing program. His latest novel, Southernmost, will be published in June 2018.
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