This Spring, the OA will focus on food.

Through fresh reporting, in-depth profiles, and daring personal essays, this issue will explore what we eat: people, industries, and tastes that both build and challenge our ideas of Southern food.

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Issue 81, Summer 2013

“There are times in your life like that, in grief, in love, when you walk around like a live wire, meaning sparking off everything, and you go through the day dazzled and hurting.” — Anne Gisleson, “Condolences from Death Row”

Features by Jennifer Percy, Wendy Brenner, David Gessner, Anne Gisleson, and others. Plus: Padgett Powell goes for a ride; William Caverlee takes down his bird feeder; Duncan Murrell, his daughter, and a dead deer. With fiction by Delaney Nolan and Mesha Maren.


A Sausage Run with the Band, by Padgett Powell

American Goldfinch, by William Caverlee

Fighting to save Frank Lloyd Wright's Spring House, by Diane Roberts

Dead Deer, by Duncan Murrell

Charlie Cousins, by Jeffrey Rotter

Scare 'em a Little, by Robert Gordon

Fuck, a poem by Nickole Brown

The Swami of Swamp Rock, by Ted Scheinman

Adventures in Jazzland, by Benjamin Morris

Dude Ranch, by Rozalia Jovanovic

Crossing Arlington Bridge, by Nic Halverson

Fifty Shades of Greyhound, by Harrison Scott Key

Tip, a story by Mesha Maren

Waiting for the Dirt, by Ragan Sutterfield

Local Fare: Civil Roots, by John T. Edge


Don't Touch the Dummy
by Jennifer Percy

Strange Beads
by Wendy Brenner

Meet the Keatles
by David Gessner

The Outlaws
a story by Ron Rash

Condolences from Death Row
by Anne Gisleson

The Revolution Will Be Solarized
by Chris Warren

Nothing Can Cross
A story by Delaney Nolan


Tarantino Enchained
Blaxploitation Redux
by Stanley Crouch

The Blues Hero in the Spyglass Tree
Albert Murray’s Omni-Humanity 
by Walton Muyumba

The Mind Revisited
Two New Books on Southern Politics
by Hal Crowther

The bottom of the River Haw
The Medium is Hiss Golden Messenger
by Amanda Petrusich

Cooking with Chris:
Bible Cake
by Chris Offutt


Art by: Colleen Plumb, Mark Steinmetz, Mike Smith, Greta Pratt, Michael Marshall, Alan Spector, Jacquelyn Sparks, Tim Barber, Tav Falco, Birney Imes, John Folsom, William Eggleston, David Rathman, Elijah Gowin, Susana Raab, Frank Hallam Day, Lucas Foglia, Bob Adelman, Alan Powdrill, Julie Heffernan, Laura Brown, Derrick Dent, Jack Spencer, Dave Anderson, Jon Edwards, Eleanor Davis, Romare Bearden, Dennis Darling, Holden Richards, M. C. Taylor, Susan Worsham

Cover: "Nungesser Elephant, New Orleans" (2010) by Collen Plumb